An Email Auto Responder is a tool that will automatically send response messages to people who email you. This is very useful when your business is closed over the holdiays - and you need to let your customers know when you are back.
To setup your Email Autoresponder...
Step 1:
Login into your webmail. ( or use the BottomUp Toolbox.)
Step 2:
Click on Auto Responders.
Step 3
Click on Add AutoResponder.
You then need to fill out this box...
- Character Set: just leave this to the default.
- Interval: The "interval" is the time for the autoresponder to wait before it sends out a second autoreply to the same person. For example, if you set up an autoresponder with an interval of 8, and you receive an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 8 am on Monday, the autoresponder will respond to his message immediately. If, continues to email you throughout the day, the autoresponder will not send him another response for 8 hours after his initial email (in this case, 4pm Monday). If he emails you again after the 8-hour interval expires, he will receive an auto response.
- From: Your name in words.
- Subject: This is the subject of teh email that goes back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Body: The email message you want to give back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..